Ensuring Staff & Expertise Success The financial, clinical and technical underpinnings of implementing an effective Quality Payment Program strategy have introduced a new level of complexity to many healthcare organizations. Providers have made big investments in IT infrastructure designed to help bring a modern, data-driven business approach to an industry ready...
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Tech’s Crucial Role in Quality Payment Program Success
Ensuring Technology & Innovation Success The path to value-based care and reporting under the new Quality Payment Program is undeniably paved in patient data. As clinicians dive into first-year monitoring and reporting under MACRA, the strength of their technical infrastructure will directly impact one’s ability to successfully meet reporting requirements and outcome...
Achieving Clinical Success in Quality Payment Programs
Ensure Clinical Success In the inaugural reporting year of MACRA’s new Quality Payment Program, quality measures and clinical practice improvement activities will collectively account for 85 percent of MIPS composite scores used to determine Medicare reimbursement penalties and incentives for healthcare providers. As clinicians prepare to embark upon MIPS reporting,...